Wednesday, October 24, 2007

Bali Ha'i

Southern California is on fire as you well know, unless you really have never left your house and you don't own a television. It is much further South than where I am, but the skies over the Burb are pretty gross. I feel like I am in South Pacific, as in the movie, not the place. If you've ever seen that movie, you'll remember that they used many different bold color filters. I think it created interesting moods in the movie, but it does feel odd to be living behind an amber filter. It's like perpetual sunset or maybe perpetual sunset in Vietnam or the old west, take your pick. I don't know why I'm writing this blog, it doesn't have much of a point, I guess it's just a note on how the fire is creating a weird mood here. I feel really awful for the millions of people being truly impacted by the fires, but up here it is just definitely a strange, hazy, apocalyptic sky.

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