Monday, October 6, 2008


We love Halloween. What in the world should we be this year?
Here are a few from previous years:
'07 Han & Leia

'06 Ringleader & Bearded Lady

'04? Lisa & Millhouse

Are we nerdy? Possibly. Do I care? No.


Ben and Darci said...

I think you should be Homer and Marge Simpson. I have a big tall blue wig I could send you!

Heidi said...

I think Lisa and Millhouse will be our only Simpsons costumes - they are more true to who we are (unless you're saying I'm a nag and Whit's a slob!)

Ben and Darci said...

Fine then, don't take great advice! And anyway, Marge isn't a nag. She's just a worrier. By the way, that McCain clip is soooooooo funny. I actually saw that on TV and thought it was hilarious!