Saturday, February 28, 2009

The Rest of the Story

Paul Harvey died today and hearing that made me sad. Growing up my dad listened to Paul Harvey all the time. I have memories of afternoons hearing Paul Harvey's distinct voice telling stories over my dad's little radio as he painted or rested in the other room. There was something comforting about that sound. I mean really it makes me sad because it's another reminder that time is passing on and my parents, as all of us, are not getting any younger. It makes me miss the safety of childhood - childhood that felt like it would last forever. It's amazing how one thing can open the flood gates of sentimentality - sometimes it's seeing a toy that was beloved as a child, but which I had long forgotten, sometimes it's catching the whiff of a scent that I didn't even realize I knew, sometimes it's hearing an old commercial jingle that is somewhere deeply ingrained in my psyche, or in this case reading the headline on msn that Paul Harvey died at the age of 90. I know I can't dwell in the past because I need to be living in the now and thinking about the future, but I am so grateful for my family who gave me so many memories to enjoy reflecting upon.

And now as Mr. Harvey always ended his broadcasts... Good day!

1 comment:

Ms. Read said...

It is a reoccuring theme - some of my own friends have died and I forget I am not 37 anymore all the time.
Love you.