Wednesday, May 13, 2009

If that mockingbird don't sing

A few weeks ago a bird started singing in the middle of the night outside our bedroom window. Most birds start singing in the morning when the sun comes up, so one can climb out of bed and start the day to the lovely songs of the birds, just like Cinderella. But this bird is rebellious and instead stays up all night twittering away (no, not that twitter - he thinks twitter is overhyped and lame). Also, it's not a sweet, calming, melodious song, lulling you to sleep - it is an odd, garbling, hyper calling. I did a little investigation online and it turns out it's a mockingbird, and mockingbirds do just that, they mock all the other birds' sounds, resulting in a cacophony of craziness. So, every night our little lonely friend perches in the echoing alley outside our apartment building and becomes the Rich Little of the bird world, much to our lack-of-sleep dismay.

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