Friday, September 25, 2009

Matches! We don't need no stinkin' matches!

So apparently I'm not alone in enjoying old matchbooks. I found a site that is nothing but Matches - lots of nightclubs, hotels, coffee shops, and products from days gone by. I'm not sure why I like matchbooks - I guess they just express the atmosphere of different places and different times in one small package. There is something romantic about old nightclubs, tiki rooms, ballrooms, etc. I have my own little collection of matchbooks, including the one below, which I find very amusing:

The other collection I have are pressed pennies - I've got a pretty good one going. I like them because they are kitchy and each has it's own memory...and they're cute.

And finally, I do have a Barbie collection - although they are boxed up and in storage. Obviously, my love of Barbies is ingrained from my childhood. Not sure what I'll actually do with them, but maybe someday if I have a gameroom for the kiddies, I can get them out - that or sell 'em on ebay.

Yeah - all these things are pointless, but somehow over the years those are the collections I've kept. Weird.

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