Friday, February 25, 2011

Friendship, Friendship, Just A Perfect Blendship

I tend to be a fairly independent person. I think it stems from being the youngest in my family. My sisters and I were close growing up as I think is evidenced in many past blogs of me strolling down memory lane. But as my middle sister is 4 years older than me and my oldest, 8 years, they got older and I was inevitably left to entertain myself. So, I did delve into my own imaginary world. And that was fine. I managed to keep myself busy. The saddest, when I look back at it, is when I would try to play board games by myself - just not quite the same. A few of them worked, "Park and Shop" worked well enough. So my imaginary world became my companion. And I still value my alone time. I love love going on walks/hikes. I am totally fine going to movies by myself. I am good doin my thang. Now, this can be a good thing. I like this about me, but as of late I've realized that this can be dangerous too.

My life has been rough lately - dealing with some pretty big challenges. And as per my mode of being, I was just sort of dealing with them on my own. But that weight and loneliness was starting to be a bit much, even for me. I was told by a very wise man that I need to turn to people, I need a support system. So I started to allow people in and I started to open up to people, to make myself, and it has been really surprising and nice.

Now in saying all this, it's not like I have no friends. I've always had friends, I'm not a total social outcast. I've had great friends in my life. But, I'm not great at staying close or initiating friendships.

Luckily some awesome people have found me. This is where the surprising part of it comes in. Friendships have emerged from unexpected places and it's been great to be surprised by this. I had a doctor who really gave a damn and gave me his time and fantastic advice. I've had friends from church help me and surprise me with their candor and understanding. I've had people at work make me feel loved and lifted. My family also made me feel like I can be honest and that they are there for me. And, most recently, a friendship formed from facebook, that made me feel really good. Lately I do feel like I've been talking way too much about myself and I don't want to be that person either, because it sometimes feels like once you open those floodgates it's easy to let it all flow, but what are you gonna do?

These were unexpected and appreciated. When I stop to think about it I am actually surrounded by good people. I think people in general are good, but with me, at least, it is a matter of letting them in.

In summation:

which, inevitably, makes me think of "Wonder Years" - such a great show:

I hope this post doesn't come across as some weird cry for help or something. I'm good. Things are weird, but gonna be fine. And my spirits are good. Just wanted to give a shout out to my peops and I want to try to get bloggin more as my blog has been a bit of a wasteland lately.

1 comment:

Ben and Darci said...

Hey Heidi, I hope I'm one of your "peops" :) I have been thinking about you so much lately, feeling bad that I am not that good at maintaining my friendships, and honestly feeling like "what difference does it make, those good friends of my past don't really feel any void by me not staying in touch". But I hope you know that I DO love you and will always care about you!