Friday, August 17, 2007

Back in my day

The Disney Channel is the downfall of our civilization. Yesterday I turned it on to see some of High School Musical - not because I thought there was a possibility of it being good, I was prepared for it to suck, but I didn't realize just how badly it would suck - I turned it on because I heard that they had filmed the movie at my old high school - East High in Salt Lake City and I thought it would be amusing to see the old hallways of my alma mater. Well, I did get to see my high school but it was at a high, mind numbing cost. That movie is so utterly awful and yet it is the biggest hit with tweens right now. My womb shudders at the thought of bringing a child into a world where this is the popular entertainment. One could argue that it is good clean fun for the young set, but these kinds of movies are contributing to the dumbening of America. Kids are growing up thinking that it is acceptable for companies to churn out huge turds for movies, not only that it is acceptable but that it is desirable. Kids that watch this also think that they are watching actors, actors that they very often aspire to be like. Let me tell you the teens in this movie and really any other show you will see when you turn on the Disney channel at any given time are an embarassment and a disgrace to actors everywhere. I realize there are a lot of evils within entertainment right now, but the wound that is Disney channel entertainment is still festering in my brain. Walt must be turning in his grave. I'll continue to add to my dvd collection for my future little kiddies - I don't care if they are hip or not, they will be watching Warner Brothers cartoons, the Muppet show, Fairy Tale Theatre, hell they can watch Raging Bull and Silence of the Lambs if they're up for it, just no Disney channel!

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