Wednesday, September 3, 2008


I started my temp job today at Warner Bros. New jobs/temp jobs are terrifying. Worse than the 1st day of school? Maybe. At least at school you just had to sit and listen to a teacher, but at a job you're expected to do things, accomplish things. New phones, new computers, new files, new people, names, protocol. You have to pretend you know what you're doing, that you're confident and skilled, all while feeling like a lost child. I still don't feel like an adult - I feel like I have on an adult costume (as in grown-up, not skanky). Maybe office work, particularly, makes me feel inadequate - it represents what everyone pictures when thinking of an adult going to work. But office work is what I'm experienced in, supposedly. Clerical work and acting - oi - there must be a middle ground; a job that feels creative and yet is a job that will make me money to pay my very adult bills. There is somewhat a sense of this being a little bit of a fake job, since it is at a studio. I can walk a few steps out of the office and see things like today when I look over and see a huge stuffed polar bear waiting for its close up on the Pushing Daisies sound stage. It's a beautiful studio and it seems like a great place to work. We'll see how this goes. If they like me here as I temp, they may want to hire me. Once inside the fortress walls, who knows what it could lead to?

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I'm so happy you have something that will surely go permanent when they see how great you are. Keep your eye open for Megan.