Tuesday, September 16, 2008

Work. Schmork.

My poor blog has been so neglected lately. I have just been so busy.

Pending a background check and then if I make it past a 90 day trial period, I will be employed by Warner Bros. The last couple of weeks I have been temping at WB in the TV Legal Dept. I assist two lawyers. They are both really cool. But I have a ton to learn and it is pretty stressful. No more surfin' the internet or reading a novel a week. I'm glad about this, I'm glad to have a challenge, I'm glad to have real work, but it also does get stressful when I feel like I don't know what I'm doing yet. I just want to do well and I hope and pray I will be able to fulfill all my duties and be the assistant my bosses want me to be and I want to be. So there's that. Working on the lot is fun. It's a fun environment and nice people. So here's hoping for the best.

There's your update.

1 comment:

anseliz said...

Yay WB! Boo lawyers! I do hope you don't have to stay in legal for too long and that WB will have much more in store for you down the road. Congrats on finding an in!