Friday, January 25, 2008


umm, so on my lunchbreak I have been watching La Mujer en el Espejo on Telemundo. I actually watch my soap opera All My Children, generally, while I eat my lunch, but on the commercials I started watching Mujer and now it's sort of got me hooked. I mean, sure I can't actually understand a word they are saying, but maybe that's what makes it fun to watch, it's like a puzzle I'm trying to figure out based on how high an eyebrow is raised or how curled a lip is, or how fast the camera zooms into a close-up. Once in a while they show East Enders on pbs during my lunch hour which is a soap from England and I'll check it out, mainly I like listening to the dialects in it. I'm really not some huge soap opera fan, but I guess basic cable and a lunch break at work equals crappy t.v. or I could say that I'm elevating my cultural awareness by getting to know the soaps of the world!

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