Thursday, February 14, 2008

Happy Valentine's Day

For Valentine's day I thought I'd remember some of my favorite romances from film and television. I'm sure I'll leave several out, but these are just the ones that sprang to mind:

-Love Actually is chok full of love, obviously. My favorite romantic moments: when Jamie (Colin Firth) proposes to Aurelia in Portuguese and we realize with her English response that she has learned English for him as well, and the scene where Mark professes his love to Keira Knightley's character with posters and then "Enough." walks away. Oh, and the dance with Laura Linney and her long-time crush to Norah Jones' Turn Me On.

-Bridget Jones' Diary: maybe my favorite onscreen kiss. Bridget running through the streets in her underwear finds Mark and he wraps her in his coat and as the snow lightly falls they share a bombastic kiss.

-Thorn Birds: Ralph and Meggie. It's just so forbidden and great. Love the book as well.

-BBC's The Office: Dawn and Tim. They receive the It's About Time award for their joyous kiss in the Christmas special. It was such a sweet, real, wonderful relationship. And one reason the American Office's Pam and Jim can suck it - maybe that's harsh, but seriously, they pale in comparison.

-Truly, Madly, Deeply: I've got to include it, I mean it is my favorite movie and shows the process of letting go of the past and being able to embrace new love and life.

-The Philadelphia Story: Cary Grant and Katherine Hepburn are fantastic partners, but the late night meeting between Hepburn and Jimmie Stewart is scintillating.

-Gone With the Wind:It's just a great sweeping romantic movie. Everyone but Scarlett can see that Rhett is perfect for her. Rhett is charming, funny, honest and sexy, but the allure of the virtuous Ashley is strong. Love the book too.

-House MD: House and Cameron have fantastic chemistry. I love these two, I just hope the writers decide to keep the House/Cameron relationship alive instead of focusing on a new bombshell (who I don't buy is a doctor at all) and depleting Cameron's role on the show, but that's another rant for another day. I wanted to attach the video of the time House and Cameron kissed, but the only videos I could find of it were weird fan videos where people spliced in other dialogue or put crappy sappy songs over the scene. Oh, well. It was fantastic.
-And a few more: The Princess Bride(classic), Return To Me(rent it if you haven't seen it), Dirty Dancing(just fun), The Buccaneers(great Masterpiece Theatre extravaganza), Pride and Prejudice(I prefer the Colin Firth version, but the newest one is good too), Only You(Italy.),Mansfield Park(with Frances O'Connor-love it),When Harry Met Sally. Goodness, I better just force myself to stop, I could go on and on, but I'll save some for next Valentine's day, I suppose.
Where there is love, there if life. -Gandhi


Anonymous said...
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Anonymous said...

I love the BBC Pride and Prejudice too!! Although the new one is good, you are right. And Mansfield Park too, although they changed it so much from the book. I must try and watch that again. ITV did a great Persuasion last year if you want to check it out, if you can find it. Great blog btw, I really like checking in every once in a while and reading it, although I do not follow basketball at all. Thanks :)

Anonymous said...

ITV also did a very good Mansfield Park and Northanger Abbey last year as well as the Persuasion, and I'm pretty sure you can find them all on youtube. Thanks again!

Anonymous said...

The most romantic thing I have seen lately is another BBC drama, from 2004, called North and South, also availble on youtube, in 4 episodes, each in 7 parts. It is ike a more serious Pride and Prejudice. Brilliant.