Thursday, February 7, 2008


One of my good friends at work found out he has cancer a couple of weeks ago. He has since started chemo and we hope for the best. But it is so scary. Really nothing is scarier than cancer. We all have the possibility of getting cancer and it just comes without warning. It just seems so unbelievable that we still don't have a cure for cancer - I think in this day and age we take medical knowledge for granted. We, or at least I, feel like if you get sick you can see a doctor and get fixed, but there is still so much we don't know and so many illnesses that we can't control. It also seems so unfair that someone like my friend who tries to live a good, healthy lifestyle should get struck, whereas others who have horrible health habits and choose to abuse their bodies can get by unaffected. I know that's not how life works, bad things do happen to good people, but it's hard not to get upset. My friend is a good man, he has a wife and young children. I'm writing this because he just came by the office to visit for the first time since his diagnosis. He is thinner, he is scared, but he is hopeful and just wants us to pray for him, which I have been doing and will continue to do.

1 comment:

Ben and Darci said...

Heidi, I'm sorry about your friend. I recently spent a day on the oncology floor of Primary Children's hospital, and the same thought struck me: Cancer can get anyone, even little babies and toddlers. Good luck to your friend.