Sunday, April 6, 2008


The older I get the more I appreciate my German heritage. When I was younger I would sometimes wish that I was English or Scottish with my own family tartan, but now I enjoy the dierndels, umlauts and abendbrot. I still think Germans are strange, but now I embrace the fact that my blood runs with that strange blood. My father is as German as it gets. He didn't come to America until he was 40 or so years old, so his accent stayed strong. My Mother is American, but her father was Austrian and her mother's side is Swiss and she served a mission in Germany - so it's all Germanic for me. My German (language) is, however, dreadful now, I think. I took classes in school and grew up around it, but I know my grammar is crap. I really want to either take classes again or get some books and get my German up to speed. Again, when I was younger I wanted to learn Italian, so I took a night class (way over my head) or I wanted to learn French (listened to French tapes), but I love the German language now, it's not as romantic as those other languages, but it's funny and I find myself using more odd little German phrases as I go along. I love "du alte junge" - it's so weird, it just means "you old young", hmm doesn't really translate, but I guess that's what's funny, it's doesn't make sense, but I like using it as a term of endearment.
I started thinking about this today as I listened to Dieter F. Uchtdorf. It's really great to have a German representin' in the first presidency of the LDS church. He's super cool and my affection for him is instantaneous as I listen to his accent and hear him speak about flying (my dad also loves planes). I guess it's just nice to have a member of the Master Race in charge - Deutschland Deutschland uber alles - just kidding.
I married into an English family, which is great, though, because I am an anglophile but Heidi Roslein Klein will live on forever.
Alles gute. Tschus.

1 comment:

Ms. Read said...

Well, it's great we have you representing the Germans and the Mausser guy weighing in with Austrian. I always thought he was German. Looking forward to seeing you Miz Heidi.