Thursday, January 15, 2009


NEW YORK - A US Airways jetliner crashed into the frigid Hudson River on Thursday afternoon after both engines were disabled, sending more than 150 passengers and crew members scrambling onto rescue boats.

“The plane flew through a flock of birds and both engines were damaged. That’s all we know right now,” said Dave Steyer, a technician with the wildlife research office of the U.S. Department of Agriculture, which helps the FAA study what it calls bird strikes.

Joe Mazzone, a retired Delta Air Lines pilot, said it is not unusual for birds to strike planes. In fact, he said, when planes get ready to take off, if there are birds in the area, the tower will alert the crew.
"They literally just choke out the engine and it quits," Mazzone said.

Bird Strikes? Really?!? Hitchcock knew what he was talking about (directing about?). Sort of scary.

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