Monday, June 2, 2008


Last week we threw a baby shower for one of my co-workers. It was a Baby Winnie-the-Pooh theme, so I decided to be ambitious and make the cake and cupcakes for the shower (along with doing the decorations, ordering the food, etc.) I am a fan of Ace of Cakes on the food network and have actually been contemplating going to culinary school for baking/pastry. I've enjoyed baking all my life, but this was my first foray into making such a cake. The cupcakes were a little stressful (new recipe), but the cake was a lot of fun. It was raspberry filled and had a basic buttercream frosting. I made it to look like a pot of honey (or as Pooh spells it, Hunny) and the cupcakes all had little bees on them. I think it turned out quite nicely. It looked cute and tasted great. It was just satisfying to have a vision in my head of what I wanted the cake and cupcakes to be and then to actually have it turn out as I had envisioned. I am now an Ace of Cake.


Anonymous said...

Good job lady. You should go to that school.

anseliz said...

You are not a jerk. You are as sweet as pooh-bear cupcakes and I love you.

anseliz said...

Oh, and holy moly your hair is getting long! I love it!

Anonymous said...

Very impressive! They are really cute. You should send photos to Aunt Elaine. She would appreciate your work. Can you stay until August and make cakes for Dylan and Pop?

brighton quinn said...

Way to go Heids! Those are uber cute! I bet they tasted just as delicious as they are precious! Did I mention... I miss you? I DO I DO!

Ms. Read said...

Heidi - so very cute - a new hobby for you - or maybe vocation - you could do this at home with a baby even!!! Aghh! Willamenia Wonka!