Sunday, August 31, 2008

Jury Duty aka a boring post

I was called, for the first time in my life, to jury duty. I had deferred it until I returned from Utah and this last week I reported to duty at the Los Angeles courthouse. I thought I was going to get out of going in at all, but Thursday night I received word to come in Friday morning. So what was jury duty like? It was a lot like being on a long flight. I sat in my chair all day long surrounded by a group of strangers, read my book and occasionally nodded off. It was also a little like being back in school as we filled in our scantron sheets and answered to roll call - there was a guy with the last name Goldfinger, which made me chuckle each time it was called, although no one else seemed to be as amused as I was.

My lunch break was great. We had almost two hours for lunch and I used it to explore downtown L.A. I love downtown L.A. There are tons of great places to eat (I ate a super vegan sandwhich - tofu patty and cranberry chutney, yum), there were farmers markets (I got a package of raspberries for .50 cents!), outdoor concerts, cool buildings, theatres, music halls. Downtown L.A. is not like New York City or Seattle or Portland or any of those - you don't really go there unless you have to - but they have been working to make it more visitor friendly and I'm sold now.

I didn't get placed on a jury, so I am now scott free for another year. I got to read a ton of the latest David Sedaris book (it's great by the way), have a fun little tour of L.A., and do some interesting people watching - all while doing my civic duty.

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